Dear Sir or Madam
who is considering immigrating to Japan,

Dear all of you who are considering relocating to our beautiful country, Japan.

In Japan, there is currently a serious shortage of young people.

So the Japanese government is seeking highly skilled foreign talent like you to immigrate to Japan.

This website introduces the Highly Skilled Point-Based Visa.!3366&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AL7hFJV_Fdl9-S4

Highly Skilled Professional Point Calculation Table

Highly Skilled Professional Point Calculation Table

If you can earn 70 points or more on this Point Calculation Table,

then you are considered a highly skilled foreign professional.

Highly skilled foreign professionals are recognized as essential human resources
for Japanese companies to develop new technologic,
for Japanese young students as respected senior.

Can’t speak Japanese? Don’t worry. If you can earn points in other areas, that’s fine.

With that visa,

Highly Skilled Professional VISA

Highly skilled foreign professionals can obtain a 5-year residency status, and if they stay for three more years, they can obtain permanent residency with ease.

If you can earn 80 points or more, you can obtain permanent residency after just 1 year of residence.

Could you choose Japan as the stage to realize your dreams and do your best here?

What is the Highly Skilled Foreign Professional System?
Introduction of the Highly Skilled Foreign Professional System in Japan The High…

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